It is very, very unlikely that Edifix will replace correct information in a submitted reference with incorrect information from PubMed. However, you may very occasionally be unlucky enough to come across an error in the PubMed database. If you do come across a record in PubMed that contains verifiable errors in comparison with the published article, you should contact PubMed Help.  


Because Crossref relies on the accuracy of publisher-supplied metadata and does not undertake extensive internal QA like PubMed, it contains more errors and inconsistencies. Edifix takes this into account when running Linking and Data Correction against Crossref. Therefore it is very unlikely that Edifix will replace correct information in a submitted reference with incorrect information from Crossref. Generally, Edifix will warn about a mismatch with the Crossref data, rather than overwriting the original reference. To report errors in Crossref metadata, contact Crossref support.

For any other error, please use the Report Issue button under your reference job. Add some notes explaining the issue and send it to us. We do read each one of these emails and may respond to some relevant ones where more information is necessary. Rest assured, however, that we will always use them to improve your Edifix experience.